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Advertising testing

Before launching an advertising campaign, as a rule, testing of advertising materials (boards, commercials, etc.) is carried out in order to find out in advance the reaction of the target audience to the advertising message, if necessary, make adjustments / improvements and thus increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

The production of commercials (or other advertising materials) requires significant investment, therefore, as a rule, before filming commercials, testing of advertising concepts is carried out, during which parameters such as attractiveness, plot, compliance with the target audience, communication of the main message, etc. are tested. .

Most often, testing of advertising concepts is carried out through a series of focus groups (online focus groups) in accordance with the V_Ad method, the composition and geography of which depend on the parameters of the planned advertising campaign.

If several concepts are tested, they are compared, including using the individual scaling method.

The main parameters that are examined when testing concepts:

  • Spontaneous understanding and perception of the advertising message (How much do you like the structure? What will the video advertise, what will be the main characteristics of the advertised product? What is the name of the advertised product?)
  • Structure and sequence of events in the created video
  • Consumption of the advertised product (When and where is it consumed? What is the expected effect of consuming/using the product?)
  • Targeting (who is the typical consumer of the product? Why should you buy this particular product?)
  • Delivered messages.

To get more detailed information about the features of the method and to consult based on the tasks facing you, contact our manager and we will be happy to help you in solving your marketing problems.