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Focus groups

Focus groups will allow you to quickly study the specific perceptions and attitudes of the target audience towards issues that interest you. Thanks to the effect of group dynamics and the use of properly selected projective techniques, focus groups allow you to identify insights that can become the basis for gaining competitive advantages.

Online or in person

75 to 120 minutes

  • 1 or 2 sessions
  • With or without homework

6 or 8 people

Зачем проводятся фокус-группы?

  • Test a new product or service
  • Study the characteristics of the target audience
  • Test advertising concepts or promotional materials
  • Study the target audience’s attitude towards the company/service/product
  • Etc.

Focus groups are conducted separately or in combination with other marketing research methods. Most often, to confirm the hypotheses obtained from the results of focus groups, it is advisable to conduct quantitative research.


  • Focus groups are conducted by a moderator who must have relevant professional experience and a good understanding of the business challenges and features of the client’s offer.
  • In addition, for high-quality moderation it is important to have a good knowledge of the psychology and nuances of consumer behavior
  • Thanks to the effect of group dynamics and the use of properly selected projective techniques, focus groups allow you to identify insights that can become the basis for gaining competitive advantages

Which industries need focus groups?

  • Food
  • Cloth
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Cars
  • Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances

  • Shopping centers
  • Retail chains
  • Investment products
  • Etc.

Questions and answers

Both online and offline focus groups are suitable for solving most problems. Online focus groups became more widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic and have since become firmly established among qualitative marketing research methods because they have a number of strengths:
- Research participants are in a comfortable environment (at home or at work), so they behave more naturally than in an unfamiliar office space
- This approach allows reducing time and travel costs for the moderator (accordingly, the Customer receives results faster and at lower costs)
- Since the respondents go to a place known to them before the focus group, they arrive on time
- Respondents have time to have a snack / do not experience hunger or thirst, which has a positive effect on their engagement in communication
- Respondents spend less effort on logistics and participate more effectively in focus groups
- The ability for the Customer to see all participants at once (offline, as a rule, you can see only half / slightly more than half of the participants)
- The moderator constantly sees all participants and can manage their involvement

Dyads, triads, and personal in-depth interviews may be suitable for solving some problems.

At the same time, the choice of method strongly depends on the tasks and specifics of the category under study. Unlike personal in-depth interviews, focus groups provide the opportunity to use the effect of “group dynamics”, which often allows you to obtain useful insights.

A quality recruit is a key element of focus group results.
The locations and approach to the recruit are determined based on the assigned tasks and parameters of the target audience.
To recruit focus group participants, we use a screener, that is, a questionnaire, the answers to the questions of which allow us to determine whether the respondent is suitable for us to participate in the study or not.
For complex categories (for example, cars), we recommend and always check that respondents have documents that will confirm the data specified in the questionnaire.
Moreover, the screener adds questions that allow you to understand psychological characteristics and immersion in the category, which can be important in certain marketing studies.