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Eye tracker
Usability of Internet Site Testing
When managing your Internet site, you will certainly want to know what works really well on it and what doesn’t, as well as how the site compares to competitors’ sites. All this is solved within the framework of site usability testing studies and can be carried out both using site layouts / demo versions, and on existing portals.
Regular testing of the site with the involvement of the target audience of its users allows you to maintain a high level of optimization in accordance with your goals and the changing behavior and preferences of the target audience.
Eye tracking technologies allow you to effectively solve problems of testing websites and information placed on the Internet, and can also be used to solve various problems, including testing packaging, advertising, displaying goods on store shelves, etc.
Website usability studies using eyetracker allow you to solve the following important research problems:
determine what members of the target audience find interesting and what they ignore
study the decision-making process on the site
identify the reasons for low or insufficient website performance
identify alignment between design and business goals
formulate insights and hypotheses necessary for further development of the site
During site usability testing, respondents perform user tasks and interact with the site in the same way as they do from home or their workplace.
AI tracking equipment records the parts/areas of the site where respondents look, as well as the sequence of gaze movements across the site. This information is invaluable for forming an algorithm for using and consuming information from an Internet site, as well as for the purpose of interpreting the responses and comments of study participants by the moderator.
Previously, when testing performance, researchers used the statements of respondents while performing certain tasks. Using an eye tracker allows you to conduct research with less intervention from the researcher and with greater accuracy.
Research instead of doubt
One day of intensive testing can eliminate weeks of doubt and useless discussions.
Usability testing laboratory
The Vector Market Research marketing agency has an equipped laboratory for testing websites and other digital media, including eye-tracking equipment and a comfortable zone for the client with Wi-Fi, professional recording equipment, simultaneous translation equipment, etc. .
As the official representative of the equipment manufacturer in Russia, we provide the opportunity to buy eye-tracking equipment (eye-tracker).
If you want to buy eye-tracking equipment (eyetracker), write a request to service@vectorma.ru, we will promptly provide you with the necessary information, as well as supply and organize training on the equipment.